The Tenderfoots this year were very lucky indeed. Usually the Investiture Ceremonies were held in school but this year, Scouter Kumanan decided to have at Sarimbun Scout Camp for a change. What better way could there be to induct the new Scouts into our Brotherhood, then to do it at a Scout Camp that holds many Scout's memories.
The event kicked off with the arrival of the Parents and TPY District Commissioner, Mr. Lai Kwok Chin. Before the Investiture Ceremony, the Parents were invited to a Parents' Pow-Wow with the Scouters at the Session Room. The attendance of the Parents was simply tremendous despite the long journey they had to travel.
At the session, the Scouters shared with the Parents some of the highlights to 2008 Program and the Parents as well, shared with us their opinion of how Scouting has made significant changes in their son. The session was not only attended by Parents of Sec 1s, but also those of the PLs & APLs. It was indeed a casual session which helped to bridge the Scout Unit with the Parents as stakeholders.
After the Pow-Wow, the 5 new Scouts were invested in the presence of Scouter Kumanan, and the incoming Patrol Leaders & Asst. Patrol Leaders took their Oath of Responsibility upon receiving their Certificates of Appointment. The Ceremony ended with our DC, Mr. Lai , giving the new Scouts and appointment holders some words of wisdom.
Group Photo of our Parent Supporters of Scouting
How was the night hike, son?
Mr. Lai's words of Wisdom