The Scouts gathered at Changi Point for a sumptuous breakfast at the coffeeshop, which is famous for its Changi Nasi Lemak. Thereafter, Mr. Clement from Changi Cycling Services, helped us out to pick suitable bikes for our height. With a Safety Briefing conducted shortly thereafter, we started cycling along the Eastern Coastal Park Connector Network at 10.45am.
The entire network is a total of 42km with connections to 7 Park Connectors. But since all of us were new to this, the Rovers Scouts headed by Rover Isa, planned the shorter loop which measured 32km instead.
The first league of the loop, Coastal Park Connector, was one of the more scenic route, as we passed by lush Casuarina Forest by our left, and the ascending/descending airplanes of various airlines. As we soon approached the East Coast Park section of the route, we took a short break at the National Sailing Centre, where the other Rovers joined us.
At our next pit stop, at Sun Plaza Park, we were all tired and drenched, but still our spirits were very high. No matter how tired you can be, when you see your fellow buddy being in the same state as you are, you just put up a brave front to cheer each other up. At this pit stop, all of us topped up our bottles and had a mid way point stretching. Sure it was good to strech those tired muscles. Rover Venga also enlightened us on how to ensure that our cycling seats were of the correct height.
Well the secret is this. When you want to cycle, you must make sure that your cycle is high enough, such that when one of the paddle is at the bottom most point, you leg should be fully stretched and not bent. This will ensure that you do not use too much force while paddling and get yourself easily tired out.
As we approached the end of our route along Changi, we passed by some war time building such as the old Changi hospital and the Old Commando Barracks. The downward slope was also another high point of our journey. The entire journey of 32km took the whole Scout Group roughly 5 hours to complete. Well that's not too bad after all, since many never had such an experience of cycling such long distance.
When we reached Changi Beach at 3.50pm, we were all hungry and ready to start our BBQ Lunch. Did we have trouble starting fire? Well, sure not as you can always rely on a Scout to do the best job of firestarting in BBQs. As soon as we started the fire going, we began BBQ-ing the satays and chicken wing, as these were what took most time to get cooked. The Rovers as well, joined us in giving a helping hand, while we had our lunch.
After our very late Lunch that we had, we cleared up at around 6.45pm. Of cos, we did not forget the Scout's Code of cleanliness. We never forget to leave a place cleaner then it was when we used it. We quickly made a quick brisk walk from where we were to the tip of Changi Beach Park to catch a glimpse of the Sunset. Well, how fantastic it was can't be described by words. See the pictures below to see for yourself.