On the 9th January 2010 was Beatty’s CCA Open House. It was on this day, that our newly arrived Beattyians will go around to see the many interesting displays put up by all the CCAs, and choose the one that they are going to be with for the next 4 years. Certainly not an easy decision to make, especially so when there are plenty of CCAs in a school.
As the Beavers wanted to do something special and captivating, we decided it would only be wise to plan well ahead. Scout are always Prepared. Plenty of
weekdays were spent together in December, planning and preparing our stuff, so that we can showcase the best of Scouting to our Sec 1s.
In the end, we planned to build a gateway, a clothes rack and a tower for the students and parents to see. We had drawn the designs, figured out where to place them and how to decorate them. A week before the CCA open house, we started building the clothes rack
and gateway. Most of the Scouts did the gateway as it was very big and it required a lot of manpower to build. Not an easy task you, you know. Two other Scouts and I were appointed to build the clothes rack. Our Scout Leader, Kumanan Sir, printed for us coloured brochure to give to Parents and students during the CCA open house. Want to know how it looks, well just go download it at the left hand side of this Blog.
On the actual day, all of us had to arrive in school by 7.30am to prepare
before the Parents arrived. We started putting up the banners, placing our awards and cleaning up the place. Our booth was located next to the Koi pond and so we had plenty of space to place our structures. The Rover Scouts came back to Beatty to help us, which we Scouts deeply appreciate. Reminds me of the Scout Law, “A Scout is Loyal”. Our Patrol Leader, Xuan Jie, even brought a radio to play the many Scout songs we have. We also build a billboard which some of the schools wore to advertise scout. We were all very excited about this recruitment!
The Parents arrived at 9 am, at the entrance of the school; we handed out brochures and told them to visit out booth. The Parents and students then proceeded to the hall for a briefing about the CCAs available in the school. Some of the Scouts helped to distribute water bottles to the Parents who were watching the performance by different CCA groups, all so that we would be visible.
When all the Parents and students left the hall, most of the CCA groups line up in front of the hall to promote their CCA and to give out pamphlets. We wanted Parents to check out our booth and let their children experience
what Scouting is all about. So, we too tried our best to lure the Parents and son. While the Parents were at our booth, the Seniors gave each Parent a tour and showed them the benefits of being a Scout.
As the process of meeting and marketing Scouting went on for each Parent/son duo, we realized that quite often, Parents have this stereotype that Scouting is all about Adventure and Outdoors. Which is of cause, a positive stereotype. And of cause, there were those who thought Scouting was all about knots only. But in
general, we did manage to pull in the right type of students into our booth. Those who were keen in Outdoors. These were the kinds we wanted too.
At the end of the day, when all the parents had left, we went to dismantle all the structures we build. Though tiring it was the whole day, we enjoyed very much, because we knew we put in our very best. We were not so much worried about the numbers of Scouts we would get.
As a “Well Done” token, Mr. Tham, our Auxillary Volunteer Leader, bought us lunch from KFC. We had a grand lunch that day, eating chicken and drinking soda. Tired but satisfied, we felt proud of what we did. Beatty Beavers Rockz!!
Last but not least, on behalf of the Scouts, I would like to thank all Rover Scouts, Old Beavers, Former Teacher Mr. Koh KM, Mr. Tee & Mr. Tham, Mr. Kumanan & Mr. Aru for their time and effort that they took to be there with us, to give us their support and guidance.
Reported By,
Jason Tan Troop Scribe