A month long of preparation and extra meetings combined with lots of hardwork and planning. It all culminated on 20th November 2010, when Scouts, Cubs, Leaders of Toa Payoh District gathered round the campfire for a night of rekindling brotherhood and Scouting fellowship. The Campfire was jointly hosted by Beatty Beavers Scout Group and First Toa Payoh Eagles Cubs Pack guided by our Akelas and Scout Leaders.

It was a very busy day for the Cubs and the Scouts, making sure all things prepared a month before were all in place ready for the evening. Gateway construction; Firepit installation; Backdrop; Performance rehearsals; Refreshment preparation and the list goes on. We arrived early in the morning, and everyone were busy on their work till evening. After much sweat and effort, the sun was about to set, signaling the arrival of our District mates and the commencement of Campfire soon enough.

Although the official time for our guests to arrive was 7pm, some early birds were already waiting outside the school gate as the clock hit 6.30pm. With our energy recharged after a Pizza dinner, the Scouts were ready to march the final mile. As the main gate opened, Scouts from different Troops began to flood in. Our ushers got cracking and started to guide our Scouts through the fire trail to the gateway bridge.

As the sky turned dark, our guests were all seated as it appears to be. Before the Campfire was declared open, Mr Ong Shun Hua, Toa Payoh District Commissioner, took a moment to give everyone a welcome yarn. After an inspirational yet loooong yarn, he declared the fire open. Unfortunately, the fire seemed to be in a more dampened spirit then the Scouts were, after a weeklong wet weather. Nevertheless, the campfire proceeded, with our Campfire Leaders, Nikki Alexander from FTPPS Cubs and Song Chi from Beatty Beaver leading the way.

Just like any other campfire, every Scout Troop present had to give their Troop cheer. Roars, shouts, and screams, all you can think of in a cheer was heard by different schools. Enthusiasm was definitely present in the atmosphere. With all the Troops making their presence known, it was time for some Campfire singing. Songs like: ‘Campfire’s Burning’, ‘BP Spirit’, ‘Gako the Frog’, ‘Father Abraham’ and ‘Silvery Moon’, for example, were sang one after another. All of which are commonly sung and heard in most campfires. Not to forget the opening performance by FTPPS Cub Scouts. Their dance to ‘I’ve got a feeling’ got the audience all hyped up on thier feets.
Troop Performance by Maris Stella Scouts, Pei Chun Cubs & FTPPS Cubs (L – R)
There were a total of 4 performances/games in the programme list, with some songs to sing in between each ‘interval’. Next up, we had Cub Scouts from Pei Chun Public School dancing to ‘Nobody’ by Wonder Girls. The teacher-in-charge, Mr Salleh, even got everybody to stand up and dance along. By then, our spirits were all high.
With performances and games that got our Scouts and Cubs out of their shell and into the mood, it was certainly a night to remember. This line has been said countless time: “all good things come to an end”. Every campfire ends with souvenir presentation. Toa Payoh District Commissioner, Mr Ong Shun Hua, was called up on stage to present the souvenirs to different schools. The souvenir came in the form of a ‘scarf’.

As the campfire that leaped upwards came down and the ashes were formed on the fading ember, the District gathered around the Campfire for the final moments before the evening was closed. Soon after everyone left the compound and head home, with some still in the canteen enjoying the refreshments, the Beavers’ spirit was still at the top. All the current (and old) beaver Scouts came together, and cheered the Beaver Cheer wholeheartedly. That includes the graduated batch with about ten people. This eventful night will be etched in our memories, forever.

Pictures by Alvan Ho, Sham Hao Meng, Jacqueline Lau & Kumanan

It was a very busy day for the Cubs and the Scouts, making sure all things prepared a month before were all in place ready for the evening. Gateway construction; Firepit installation; Backdrop; Performance rehearsals; Refreshment preparation and the list goes on. We arrived early in the morning, and everyone were busy on their work till evening. After much sweat and effort, the sun was about to set, signaling the arrival of our District mates and the commencement of Campfire soon enough.

Although the official time for our guests to arrive was 7pm, some early birds were already waiting outside the school gate as the clock hit 6.30pm. With our energy recharged after a Pizza dinner, the Scouts were ready to march the final mile. As the main gate opened, Scouts from different Troops began to flood in. Our ushers got cracking and started to guide our Scouts through the fire trail to the gateway bridge.

As the sky turned dark, our guests were all seated as it appears to be. Before the Campfire was declared open, Mr Ong Shun Hua, Toa Payoh District Commissioner, took a moment to give everyone a welcome yarn. After an inspirational yet loooong yarn, he declared the fire open. Unfortunately, the fire seemed to be in a more dampened spirit then the Scouts were, after a weeklong wet weather. Nevertheless, the campfire proceeded, with our Campfire Leaders, Nikki Alexander from FTPPS Cubs and Song Chi from Beatty Beaver leading the way.

Just like any other campfire, every Scout Troop present had to give their Troop cheer. Roars, shouts, and screams, all you can think of in a cheer was heard by different schools. Enthusiasm was definitely present in the atmosphere. With all the Troops making their presence known, it was time for some Campfire singing. Songs like: ‘Campfire’s Burning’, ‘BP Spirit’, ‘Gako the Frog’, ‘Father Abraham’ and ‘Silvery Moon’, for example, were sang one after another. All of which are commonly sung and heard in most campfires. Not to forget the opening performance by FTPPS Cub Scouts. Their dance to ‘I’ve got a feeling’ got the audience all hyped up on thier feets.

There were a total of 4 performances/games in the programme list, with some songs to sing in between each ‘interval’. Next up, we had Cub Scouts from Pei Chun Public School dancing to ‘Nobody’ by Wonder Girls. The teacher-in-charge, Mr Salleh, even got everybody to stand up and dance along. By then, our spirits were all high.

With performances and games that got our Scouts and Cubs out of their shell and into the mood, it was certainly a night to remember. This line has been said countless time: “all good things come to an end”. Every campfire ends with souvenir presentation. Toa Payoh District Commissioner, Mr Ong Shun Hua, was called up on stage to present the souvenirs to different schools. The souvenir came in the form of a ‘scarf’.

As the campfire that leaped upwards came down and the ashes were formed on the fading ember, the District gathered around the Campfire for the final moments before the evening was closed. Soon after everyone left the compound and head home, with some still in the canteen enjoying the refreshments, the Beavers’ spirit was still at the top. All the current (and old) beaver Scouts came together, and cheered the Beaver Cheer wholeheartedly. That includes the graduated batch with about ten people. This eventful night will be etched in our memories, forever.

Signing off,

Lee Jun Xian |
(Tiger Patrol)
Pictures by Alvan Ho, Sham Hao Meng, Jacqueline Lau & Kumanan
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