Beaver Troop Cheer:
Sapsi Wani Shalala
Pepsi Pepsi Bom Cha Cha
Sapsi Wani Good Good
Chickalaka Good
Sapsi Wani "Beaver 56"
Adiji Adiji Ah Oh Ah
Who the hell you think we are
Beaver Beaver Ra Ra Ra!
Beaver Komama, Ole Ole Ah Ah (x 2)
Check us out, Yeah ( x 2)
Check us out, Ohhhhhhhh Beavers!
Beaver Song 1:
B-E-A-V-E-R, Beaver Beaver
B-E-A-V-E-R, Beavers from Beatty
Work Hard and Play Hard,
This is our Motto,
B-E-A-V-E-R, Beavers from Beatty
Beaver Song 2:
We come from the greatest group,
We come from the Beaver group,
We come as a member of a great, great group.
We fight for our victory,
We fight for our glory,
We fight with a spirit that was not known before.
Beaver Scouts, Beaver Scouts, All the way.
We like it here, We like it here, We build ourselves a home.
A home, A home, A home sweet home.