Jan 12, 2009

Sec 1 CCA Orientation 2009

Beatty Sec Sch had its CCA Orientation last Saturday morning, and i must say that it was a very quiet event this year. We certainly did not see as much Boys and Parents as compared to previous years. Maybe the school statistics are inclining towards the girls population.

Nevertheless, the Scouts had done a great job of putting up a wonderful booth display. The team headed by PL Nicholas Loh, did the usual stuff but added a new item this year. They had put up a mobile Movie Screen behind the booth to showcase our Adventure videos.

The event was quite a noisy one, espcially so, since we were stationed next to NPCC and NCC. But still, we managed to speak to a couple of Sec 1s and their Parents who were very keen in the Program that we offered. The Boy's Bridage & Girl Guides Booth was also quite a nice one, and we hope that they would have a good recruitment this year as well.

Whatever may be, all Scouts,Leaders & Rovers had done their best to showcase Scouting. Sec 1s will join us if they are keen in the Outdoors and in our program. Let's just wait for the numbers to be confirmed. Thank alot to Mr. Wong Sung Kok (Chairman, Beatty PSG) who turned up at Beatty in his Woodbadge Scarf, in support of Scouting.

Jan 10, 2009

Sec 1 CCA Recruitment Part 3: Why Join Scouting

Hi Friends,

Thank you very much for visiting the Blog of Beatty Beaver Scout Group. Let me welcome you to your new school, and we really hope that the past week had been a fresh and interesting start into 2009 for you, with new friends and environment.

Well, I'm sure you had visited all other CCA Booth on Saturday, and had heard quite alot from many people about their own CCAs, and I'm sure you would have heard about Scouting from them too.

We hope you would take your time to go through our Blog, and see the Recruitment Videos and the Pictures of our activities in 2008. This blog should give you a rough idea of what Scouting is about, and if you want to get a better idea, come on down for our first meeting on 16th January 2009, at the Scout DEN.

In a Nutshell, let us tell you, WHY JOIN SCOUTS?

  • You get to go Overseas and expose yourselves with the cultures of the World
  • You get to make Friends with Overseas Scouts as well
  • Scouting makes your boring school life more Adventurous
  • You get to meet lots of Girl Guides when we go Campfire
  • You learn how to be a Good Leader, which prepares you for Army & for you LIFE
  • You get to make new Friends from other Schools in the District when we go Camping

Sec 1 CCA Recruitment Part 2: Why Join Scouting?

Scouting is a lot of fun. You really have to try it for yourself to understand why. Scouts offers you challenges and skills that will help you when you grow older. It can even help you get a job! But more than anything, it really is a lot of fun getting to make a whole bunch of friends along the way. Every Scout Troop is different, but we are confident in our program and we have had a lot of smiling faces over the years to prove it.

Scouting is one of the most exciting experiences a boy like YOU can have. You can go camping, travel across the border to meet new friends, challenge yourself with adventurous activities that develops you physically, build your own "playground" with Pioneering Poles and ropes, and many more stuff that many other friends of your may not have the privelage to do.

Sec 1 CCA Recruitment Part 1: Why Join Scouting?

Scouting attracts a lot of members, each with his or her own reasons for joining. Some come willingly; others have been convinced to join. Let's look at some common reasons young people join Scouts.

1. Fun and Friendship: Boys like to have fun with friends. The camaraderie of Scouts is one of its strongest draws. Boys can enter a friendly environment to play sports and games as part of a team. The Scouter is like an older brother or sister, offering friendship and security in a different way than parents and teachers.

Scouting provides an alternative to sports and other clubs that put competitive pressure on young people. Scouting offers them the chance to succeed as a member of a group.

2. Setting and Achieving Personal Goals: Boys like to challenge themselves. They find satisfaction in reaching small goals--earning a badge, for example, or learning a new skill such as firelighting. Then they can set larger goals-surviving a first hike or camp or canoe trip. Later, they may want to earn the Chief Commissioner's Award or set personal standards for their own lives.

Their goals are guided by their interests and hobbies. After awhile, Scouting itself may become the hobby. Whatever a young person's goals, Scouting can provide a way to meet them.

3. Independence and Responsibility: Boys want to become adults. Scouting gives them the opportunity to take small steps towards independence. When they join, they may be breaking away from parents for the first time, and the experience can be fun or lonely.

As they progress in Scouting, they are ready to take larger steps by planning activities, outings, and camps and learning from their experiences, good and not so good. If they become patrol leaders, they become even more responsible members of the group. Perhaps the leadership role is an important goal in itself, something through which they gain confidence and esteem.

Adapted from The Leader

Jan 6, 2009

Launch of New Recruitment Posters

The Scout Group has launched a set of 4 posters for this year's Recruitment, to better reflect the changes in the Unit's focus in Scout Program, as well as to bring out the message of Scouting and it's benefits to the new students of Beatty Secondary School.

This year, the Group would also be heavily publicizing the Scout Movement through it's Blog and also through these Posters, ahead of the CCA Orientation Day on 10th January 2008.

We hope that the initiatives this year would help us get more Sec 1s to strengthen our Unit Membership.

Jan 1, 2009

Happy New Year, Beavers

Hello Beavers,

The year 2008 had been a very eventful year with plenty of events organized to celebrate our 55 years of existence in Beatty. As we march forward into the year 2009, may i wish everybody good life and health in the coming year. Always remember your Scout Promise and do your best in whatever you embark on, and your good deed everyday. Let us look back at 2008, and reflect on our path taken over the year and learn from our mistakes and set ourselves new limits to reach.

In 2009, some of our major events would include:

  1. Founder's Day Campfire & Investiture (FEB)
  2. Annual Jobweek 2008 (MAR)
  3. Scout Skills Camp (APR - Tentative)
  4. Vietnam Scout Exchange & Service Learning Trip (JUNE)
  5. 4D3N Group Camp 2009 (DEC - Tentative)
With these events to look out for, lets work towards a better future for our Scout Group and all.

Yours in Scouting,

Scouter Kumanan