Jan 10, 2009

Sec 1 CCA Recruitment Part 2: Why Join Scouting?

Scouting is a lot of fun. You really have to try it for yourself to understand why. Scouts offers you challenges and skills that will help you when you grow older. It can even help you get a job! But more than anything, it really is a lot of fun getting to make a whole bunch of friends along the way. Every Scout Troop is different, but we are confident in our program and we have had a lot of smiling faces over the years to prove it.

Scouting is one of the most exciting experiences a boy like YOU can have. You can go camping, travel across the border to meet new friends, challenge yourself with adventurous activities that develops you physically, build your own "playground" with Pioneering Poles and ropes, and many more stuff that many other friends of your may not have the privelage to do.

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